1 min read

Core Knowledge.

Core Knowledge.
  1. Rotate your plant every week, so they grow evenly and not crooked. Plants too are self conscious of their figure, keep them the Johnny Bravo way. YES that well built cartoon with blonde hair.
  2. Don't fertilise in the winter. Only in spring and summer. Let your plant peacefully hibernate in winters.
  3. CLEAN YOUR PLANT LEAVES REGULARLY. Dirt, dust and mud on the leaves of your plants can block sunlight and slow the process of photosynthesis. In simpler words, "Dust on your plant leaves slows your plant's metabolism" ~Anmol Singh Rajput

4. Water deeply, rather than lightly and frequently. If you see root rot in your nightmares then you need to know one thing, overwatering isn't how much water your are watering your plant with contrarily it is how frequently you are watering your plants. "Major reality check"

5. Let your tropical plants chit chat. Keep all your humidity loving plants in one place. This will mimic the action of a humidifier and your plants will share their moisture as if it's a potluck.

6. You might hear your favourtite plant influencer say "Bright indirect light" but what actully does it mean. Direct light is when your plant can see the sun and sun can see your plant too, bright indirect light is when your plant can see the sun but sun cannot see your plant. EASY!

7. If you have plants that come from a humid climate. Arm yourself with a spray bottle and gush them with some water, they surely are going to like it.

8. Treat your plants with rainwater. So the next time it rains get your plants high on rainwater.

9. Cinnamon and plants go together like that gorilla and girl of The King Kong. This common kitchen staple can ward away pests like gnats, ants and spider mites. Can be used as rooting hormone and can heal and disinfect plant wounds.

10. Opt for easy, low-key plants if you are a beginner. Peace lilly, Spider plant, Snake plant, ZZ and pothos are nice options.

Lush Greens.
Plants Rescued
Plants Gifted