3 min read

How To Organize A Tree Plantation Drive.

How To Organize A Tree Plantation Drive.

Few days back, I was reading this book named 'The Trust Edge' by David Horsager and there was this beautiful quotation that "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." Strong words right, so now we will make you half-a-arborist.

Summer is here and all our environmental events start. Earth Day, Water Day, Environment Day, World Bee Day and so on. Over the last few years I've personally conducted or organised many plantations drive on my personal capacity.

So this is your step by step guide on how to organize a tree plantation drive:

  1. Set a goal: Determine the purpose and goals of the drive. Decide what you hope to chieve, such as improving the local environment, promoting sustainability, or engaging employees, students or family members in community service.
  2. Choose a location: Choose a location that is appropriate for the type of trees you plan to plant. Ensure that you have permission from the relevant authorities to plant trees in the chosen location.3.
  3. Select the right trees: Select trees that are native to the area and are suitable for the local climate and soil conditions. You may also want to consider planting fruit trees or other trees that provide ecological or economic benefits.4.
  4. Source seedlings: Find a reputable vendor who can supply the seedlings you need. Make sure that the seedlings are healthy and appropriate for the local climate and soil conditions.5.
  5. Recruit volunteers: Recruit volunteers to help with the planting. You could invite employees, members of the local community, or both.6.
  6. Plan logistics: Plan for the transportation of the seedlings to the planting site, as well as any tools and equipment that will be needed for the planting.7.
  7. Promote the event: Use various channels to promote the event and recruit volunteers, such as company newsletters, social media, or local newspapers.8.
  8. Plan the planting: Develop a planting plan that includes the number and location of the trees, as well as the planting techniques to be used. Make sure that the volunteers are aware of the proper planting techniques.9.
  9. Plant the trees: On the day of the event, plant the trees according to the plan. Ensure that the volunteers are adequately trained and equipped to plant the trees.10.
  10. Maintain the trees: Develop a plan for ongoing maintenance of the trees, including watering, fertilizing, and pruning.

Most of the people think that they have planted the trees and there responsibility ends but no y'all remember this bollywood dialogue "paida karne wale se palne wala bada hota hai" wich means "the nurturer is greater than the creator"

So make sure you do participate in post plantation operations too.

Like Monitoring the progress: Regularly monitor the progress of the trees to ensure that they are growing well and receiving the necessary care.

Tracking impact: Track the impact of the tree plantation drive by measuring the number of trees planted, the survival rate of the trees, and the environmental benefits such as carbon sequestration, improved air quality, and habitat restoration.

By following these steps, you can organize a successful tree plantation drive that promotes environmental sustainability, engages employees and the community, and creates a positive impact on the environment.

Thank you for reading and let's keep the conversation going in the engagement tab! For queries reach us at askanmolrajput@gmail.com

Also I bet you want to see photos of our plantations where we have documented the name and number of trees we have planted even with the date of plantation.👇

Trees planted- 675 1. Banyan tree- 01. 2. Curry Tree- 01. 4. Native tree saplings- 650 3. Neem Tree- 02. 4. Neem, Curry plant- 21

Lush Greens.
Plants Rescued
Plants Gifted