3 min read

How To Adopt And Care For A Jade.

How To Adopt And Care For A Jade.

Here just recently we adopted a Jade plant so we'll tell you how we actually adopted that Jade through a story. This way the narration will be easy and all of your questions will be answered too.

From where can you adopt a Jade plant?

You can ask a friend for a cutting or probably rescue one. By rescue we mean helping a tortured Jade plant, and such 'need to be rescued plants' would be a lot in your local nursery too.

Lately it was birthday of my birthday twins friends so as expected I asked them to choose their birthday present plant and they got these,

When we were about to do the billing I saw an ailing Jade lying in the corner. It was Dark weak and the soil media in which it was resting was compact like concrete compact.

So I asked the nursery worker for that plant and he gave us the same plant complimentary because usually in plant nurseries they dump these weak and ailing plants to make room for the new plants. So if you want to give your shot to rescue any plant you just have to ask for it and they'll give it you for 40-50 bucks or just for free. 

So the next time you are done buying your new stash of plants, remember to not to forget about those innocent plants who need a rescue.


We started the plant surgery right in the nursery because it saves you a lot of mess. 

The soil was so hard that it was near impossible to take the plant out without breaking the pot.

It took a lot of beating to take those roots out of the soil,

See this is what happens when you have zero knowledge about how to prepare a potting mix,


We then gave the plant a quick shower sesh.


Now it was the time to prepare potting mix 

So it was 3 ratio 5 of Coco peat and River sand. Make sure you use river sand and not sea sand.


The plant was then accomodated comfortably in the pot and then was watered thoroughly.


This is how it looked after the rescue.

And I don't know if it was peeing like a baby plant or if it was tearing up of joy. But it was leaking 😂


The rescue was successful and trust me the plant is full of life now. FULL OF LIFE. See,

These are the types of things that can make you feel grounded and grateful. These are the things that makes you feel like a Human. So always get a +1 for your new plant. On this humble note, signing out- Anmol Rajput and for queries reach us at queriesanmolrajput@gmail.com and do engage in the engagement tab below. Stay Strong Live Long. Sayonara!

Care of Jade plant in brief points:

Grow it in coco peat.

Don't brush against your Jade.

Give 2-3 hours of direct sunlight.

If your Jade is dying then check up on the watering.

Water once in a month in winters and twicein summers.

Lush Greens.
Plants Rescued
Plants Gifted