2 min read

Plant Parenting tips

Plant Parenting tips

1.If you are a new plant parent always and always choose water media over soil media for plants. Choose plants accordingly, like for beginners Arrowhead Syngonium, Peace lily, ZZ Plant and Pothos do the best.

Lucky bamboo in water media.

2. Succulents are for beginners, that's not true. As a beginner we want to care a lot for our plant on the contrary succulents thrive when they are left unattended.

Jelly Bean and Sedum plant

3. Always ensure good draining potting mix and planter with drainage holes. In case of escaping soil use drainage plate but don't let the plant sit in water.

Drainage hole covered with plastic.

4. Be aware when your plants need a repot otherwise you will end with a root broomstick.

A rootbound plant.

5. Use a well draining soil mix with customised composition of Orchid Bark, Coconut Coir, Compost and Perlite to avoid root rot and for good aeration.

Hydrophobic Soil.

6. Use humidifiers to create a growing atmosphere for plants but grouping plants could also a good alternative.

Snake spider and peace lily

7. Pothos release rooting hormone in excessive amount. If you are struggling to get a plant to root just pop a cutting of pothos cutting in water with the other plant.

A Pothos cutting with Lucky Bamboo.

8. Woody plants are sensitive to water. Water cautiously they are very prone to have stem rot.

9. Avoid unfurling your leaves by yourself. To hasten the process use humidifiers or cover the plant leaf with mild hot towel.

10. Talking to your plants can really help your plants to grow faster. Make them feel wanted.

Anmol Rajput with a plant.
Making it feel wanted.
Lush Greens.
Plants Rescued
Plants Gifted