4 min read

Office Desk Plants.

Office Desk Plants.

According to researchers an average person spends 90,000 hours at work over a life time and I'm sure you need that ✨sunflower energy✨ from your desk. So why not keep a pal along while you work.

Now the purpose of an office desk plant is not just to serve as an ornamental piece but to give company and making sure you breathing toxin-free air while you work for hours.

Here we go,

  1. Pothos

Pothos or a Money plant is a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. Placing this plant on your office desk brings a positive vibe and a promise of success in your professional life.

Why this plant? Its a low maintenance, grows faster and this plant is a NASA recommended air purifier that will help you stay more focused and healthy while you work.

     This man right here is a survivor you cannot kill it, you can't go so wrong that you end up killing this cutie. If this is on your desk you will get compliments but people be begging for a cutting.

2. Syngonium

Syngonium or Arrowhead plant is a extremely hassle-free plant, as it does not require a lot of sunlight to grow and is thus an excellent fit for your desk. It fits the definition of minimalistic and will go well with a minimalistic office theme.

Why this plant? It requires minimal maintenance, this plant is an eye candy and it is known to fix VOCs such as formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, and xylene.

A perfect Feng Shui plant it is so go for it.

3. Peace lily

A plant with God level feminine energy with broad deep green leaves. This plant grows well even in low light conditions. This plant will also surprise you with bright white colour bloom.

Why this plant? Low maintenance, removes mold spores and also it removes pollutants like benzene, xylene, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde.

Also it helps to fix humidity so its a perfect choice for both Barbie girls and Oppenheimer boys.

4. Spider Plant

Spider plants also have air-purifying benefits and make great office plants. They produce small, white flowers and spiderettes, or baby plants, that can be propagated to create new plants. Aside from being a cutie it also works well and looks fantastic as a hanging plant.

Why this plant? Can grow well in low light conditions and is proven to remove toxins like formaldehyde.

Give this plant a shot. It shoots no web. lol.

5. Snake Plant

These spiky beauties can put up with almost anything and are one of the best office plants. They handle dry air like champions and come in various foliage colors, patterns, forms, and sizes.

Why this plant? Vibrant looks and it can sustain low temperature rooms hence its a good choice for air conditioned rooms.

Its the most hisssssterical plant ever!

6. ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant is its gorgeous, glossy green leaves which will really attract the attention of onlookers. They’re the right plant for someone looking for a low-maintenance plant.

Why this plant? A Feng Shui plant, least maintenance, drought resistant and removes contaminants found in cigarette smoke to solvents, chemicals, and volatile organic compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and trichloroethylene, and (of course) carbon dioxide or CO2, plants have been found to filter and clean indoor air.

Also this plant is proven to improve your 💤 quality.

7. Peperomias

They’re tougher than they look and are available in various leaf textures and colors. They certainly add personality to any home office!

Why this plant? Jus look at this QT!

Looks like pothos' grandpa so it gotta be on your cart.

8. Broken Heart Plant/ Monstera adansoni

This easy-growing plant with its heart-shaped leaves is loved for its beautiful fenestrations. Quick to grow with delicate trailing vines that can be styled for every space.

Why this plant? Aesthetically pleasing and this plant is effective in reducing formaldehyde and benzene levels in the air.

Only this plant can fix me now. :(

9. Cactus

A spikey creation of nature that is domesticated and can be placed on a table top.

Why this plant? It is better than buying an artificial plant.

Just the photo was too precious to convince you peeps.

10. Lucky Bamboo

If you want a woody plant then here you go. Like this is a plant with very strong energy levels. I'll tell you a cheat code.

It is that Two stalks represent love, Three stalks represent Fu (happiness), Lu (wealth), and Soh (long life), Five stalks represent balance, peace, harmony, and power in all areas of your life, Six stalks represent good luck and wealth, Seven stalks represent good health, Eight stalks represent growth, Nine stalks represent great luck, Ten stalks represent perfection and Twenty-one stalks represent a powerful blessing.

Okay okay okay a long blog. pheww.

I helped you peeps select you table top plant and you should know that we run no ads on our site for an earning so the least or best you can do is give your reviews in the engagement tab.

For more query or for plant solutions email us at askanmolrajput@gmail.com. Signing Out- Anmol Rajput. Stay Strong.

Lush Greens.
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