2 min read

Should you water your plants at night?

Should you water your plants at night?

Is it OK to water plants at night?

There are days when you forget that you do parent some pet plants in your home the reason could be blah blah blah. The first thing you then promise is to water them the very next morning and you might probably forget to water them again the next day. I know this feeling, it really lands you in a awkward condition with your poor plant. Then you think "leave it imma water it right now right away in the midnight".

First things first if you ask me if this is a good practice then, no its not!

The reason I said its not good for you plant because a night time soak will keep your leaves wet for a long time since you will not have the day's sun to dry them leaves and most probably your leaves will get fungal infection and you will end up in some real issues with your plant. NO rocket science it is just this simple. To be precise wet leaves and damp soil increases the chances that fungus, powdery mildew and mold will grow and infect the plants.

If you want more obvious reasons to know why you should not seriously water your plants at night then, firstly your plant will not absob the water at night, secondly your plant's leaves will catch mould and lastly it can cause root rot in your plant.

What is the best time to water plant?

The best time to water your plants in any time from 6 to 10 in the daylight because it will assure that your plant sips in the water the right way without gagging.

Trust me its just you with a poor sleep schedule and midnight snacks cravings that you think your plant will also appreciate the idea of feasting in the night, Please let the poor thing sleep in peace lol. Okay enough fun for the day, let me sign out. Okay, signing out~ Anmol Rajput. Stay Strong Support Farmers. Make sure you check our site merch to support our work and do engage in the engagement tab below and for queries reach us at queriesanmolrajput@gmail.com. #wesupportfarmers
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