4 min read

Plant Care Tips for the Month of February.

Plant Care Tips for the Month of February.

February Month Plant Care Tips for India.

As an avid plant parent you should make the most of the month of February as this is the perfect opportunity to nurture your plants and create a thriving green space. This month will give you a perfect ratio of winter breeze and warm sunrays and just like you, your plants love it too.

The reason we stressing on "February is a very important month" because this is the month in which your plants are back from dormancy like in our terms plants are up from sleeping from a long time and now its time for them to stretch out and grow.

Prepare for Spring Planting

Clear Out the Pots

Before you start your spring planting, take the time to clean up your pots. Remove any dead leaves, debris, or weeds that might have been there. Just like we see painters use a clear canvas for a sketch, similarly we will do this chore. Just make sure you do not distrub the root-ball of the plant..

Summers are not far so what you will have to do now is that you clear some space between the top soil and all the way to the brim of the pot. Like just scrape some room out for the plant so that each time you water your plant, you'll be able to accomodate more water on the top of the planter. In winter we top the soil up to the brim so that we do not end up overwatering our plant and in summers you'll do the vice-versa.

Prepare Soil and Add Nutrients

Once the pots are clean, it's important to replenish the soil with essential nutrients. Add organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure to improve soil fertility and texture. Like in India we call fertiliser as "KHAAD" which means food. So just like we have our meals three times a day our plants need that too but just twice or thrice a year. Now the thing to learn here is that neither we want it to starve nor we want it to be bloated. So use the fertilisers very judiciously.

For a reference top up with 200-300 grams of cow dung manure for a 12' (inch) pot. Also don't forget to add a tea spoon of any type of fungicide per plant, you can use Mancozeb, Sulphur or copper fungicide or Saaf.

Choose the Right Plants for February

If you're looking to add some color to your collection, choose flowering plants that are suitable for the prevailing weather conditions. Marigolds, pansies, petunias, and snapdragons are ideal choices for February in India. NOW THE GOOD THING ABOUT MARIGOLD IS THAT IT WORKS LIKE A MOSQUITO REPELLENT FOR YOUR SURROUNDINGS.

Watering Schedule

Adjust Watering Frequency

As the weather warms up in February, you'll need to adjust the watering frequency for your plants. Increase the frequency of watering, but make sure not to overwater.

Watering Tips for Indoor Plants: Use a well-draining potting mix and allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again.

Pruning and Training


February is an ideal time to prune your beloved plant, as they are still dormant. Remove any dead or diseased branches and shape the plants to promote healthy growth and aesthetic appeal. Remember to use clean and sharp pruning tools to prevent unnecessary damage. and yes it does not harm your plant, if done correctly it is like a good haircut for your plant.

Also plant the cuttings you are left with after the prunning.

Training Climbing Plants

For climbers like pothos or bougainvillea, February is the perfect time to train them onto trellises or other support structures. Gently guide the new growth and secure it to encourage upward growth.

Pest and Disease Control

- Monitor for Pests

Keep a close eye on your plants for any signs of pests, such as aphids or mealybugs. Regularly inspect the leaves, stems, and undersides for any visible damage or pests. Use organic pest control methods like neem oil or insecticidal soap to deter pests without harming beneficial insects. If you want to read more about hoseplant pests' and their remedy you can check the blog by clicking the button below.

Common houseplants pests and natural ways to get rid of them for good.
If you are finding insects, third wheeling in you and your plant baby then probably it can steal your plants life and leave you sobbing like a sissy. So, here is the list of pests that are hella problematic and menacing for your plants. MEALY BUGS Mealybugs are a type

Preventive Measures

Prevention is key when it comes to plant diseases. Ensure proper air circulation around your plants and avoid overcrowding. Water your plants in the morning to prevent prolonged leaf wetness, which can lead to fungal diseases. Regularly remove any infected plant parts to prevent the spread of diseases.

That is all the work for February, as I've told you guys earlier this monthly tips series is a tiresome work but this is how in a gradual manner you'll learn about plant parenting but trust me its worth it and you are the chosen one. Okay on this note- I'll take leave now. Do engage in the engagement tab below and for queries reach us at queriesanmolrajput@gmail.com STAY STRONG EAT YOUR GREENS. Signing out- Anmol Rajput
Lush Greens.
Plants Rescued
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